In retrospect those were TOM GILDRED's Words. Having been a man of deep Moral Values - I personally would not Marry into a Gildred Trend Far less a Boarding Crossing Mexican "Hernandez" They're all Criminals. Those aren't my words either - with 2 DaCa kids - I'd be right back home to NYC let alone having been convince to return to her a 2nd Time.

1st Request Production c-1 c-2 c3|Rafkin Esq 1st Request Admittions A-1 a-2 a-3 a-4 a-5 a-6|Seth Rafkin's 1st Interrogatories b-1 b-2 b-3|
By this time there was Palpable Enough Notions that Malicious, vindictive Gildred in Catch and Kill Matrimonial Infidelity - His Business Partners, Paul Moyer of Union Bank (in deep 400Mil or was it 40. By this time I was 100% sure The San Diego Tiger and I had Something, perhapas a few things, well definitle Not the Gurgle Pilling in common. Mano A Mano Tom.
In Retrospect: Title url in question I know it is a matter of opinion but "Its a Great Site". If you met a psychiatrist at a bar she could send you a bill after a few minutes of discussion. So is IA - "Intelligent Art" is the definitive characteristics which could be abreviated in digital form.
In Retrospect: I've just above in answers 8 to 11 alluded to prorated answers to the above retort - which is not a question of admission but a question of admittions.
I WISH Carolina Gildred, Hernadez Garcia and I had NEVER have SEX. Believe me. If I'd know she was previously married to a psyco sex offender & had jumped the rail east of the boarder with 2 DaCa kids - I would have taken my huge Art and Dance and everything else right back home to NYC let alone having been convince to return to her a 2nd Time.
I just had sex with a woman who's been contemplating leaving her husband because of Over night Tantrum pill popping allege over inducing were TOM GILDRED's actions. At the time it seams the right thing to do was to ignor a Preemptive C&D. Having the chance to redo? Dam right I would - A PREEMPTIVE letter from what was confirmed by said attorney was in fact a SCAM C&D. Still is because it is UnConstitutional to use a C&D for Preemptive purposes. On your way walking down the street - to SCREAM at an old lady of her Dog on the sidewalk "don't let it bite me" and you suddenly had your ankles cramping - You'd probably have a case for Seth Rafkin's New G'ery'Zie attorneys.
In retrospect those were TOM GILDRED's Words in that Unconstitutional Preemptive C&D Letter. It is Proof who's was the original intended Target of Harassmentia. He'd done gone and out-done him and herself by suggestings "The Police in Both States TOOK Criminal Reports" false reports and "Michael Became Unhinged" Clear sufficient preemptive notions bearing in mind I had No way to Know of the deciets of constructing a letter of severe "Dangerous Erotamania" for an Medical Psychiatrist who's semi retired and the x-husband of Miss Caroliona Hernandez. The guy had better given me a call. I would have rushed to him considering all things then and again - ignorance is no excuse for those who probaly is an existing patient of an obviously debilitating Psychiatrists in Manuel Orlando Garcia M/D.
In Retrospect: Very much in consistencies with the Tiger's and I noted but profoundly established methodological ?#^$(!@_($!)&$ communications.
How was I to know his entire company would his and my secrets Not even his wife Carolina knew of that incident alluding to Tom fluff tiger and I.It was an encrypt statement - just timing was off - as I was in new york and time or distance could have become to benign.

In Retrospect: The Honor of Words. We have already been to Encryptic to properly understand what exactly That Meant. To this Date unless the Sex had been That good - any woman would have simply say - honey thanks for the ?#^$(!@_($!)&$( you know what I mean.Man A Chica! be nice- L:ike is was not rape and it took multiple trips under the guise of plausible circumstances.
In Retrospect: The assigned title never had anything to do with This matter - as overtime the presipitous decline in asssumptions leads to suggest a number of websites I happened upon are somehow related to your Frivolous Law Suit. "Seth Rafkin' Your not off the listed candadacy for Contempt of Court for filling a frivolous Law Suit for Improper and or Harassment Purposes. The Jury is out on that one pending a motion 003
In Retrospect: another great site Title url a matter of opinion but "Its a Great Site". If you met a psychiatrist at a bar she could send you a bill after a few minutes of discussion. So is IA - "Intelligent Art" is the definitive characteristics which could be abreviated in digital form.
Seth Rafkin Lawyer with Humor attorneySeth's
1st Request Production c-1 c-2 c3|Rafkin Esq 1st Request Admittions A-1 a-2 a-3 a-4 a-5 a-6|Seth Rafkin's 1st Interrogatories b-1 b-2 b-3| Seth Rafkin Esq, Tom Gildred, Carolina Gildred, Wife, Orlando Garcia, Michael Foster, court supreme, Frivolous, Frivolous Lawsuit, Lawyer Held In contempt of Court, Laws againts frivolous Lawsuits